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Renoise Feedback

This questionnaire uses your default e-mail application (eg. Outlook Express) to send data, so this application must be properly configured.

Filled data will help us to improve our software.

Send it to us only in case you:
a) first time use program
b) first time register

1. How do you rate yourself in music/trackers/production?

2. Do you think that low price of this program will make (or has made) your choice to register easier?


3. Information about you:
Your name
Your age
Your e-mail
Your town/country

4. What music/audio software have you used so far (if any) before Renoise?

5. What Renoise features do you like and why? (eg. GUI, envelopes, pattern editor etc.) Name them and write details.

6. What Renoise features you don't like and why? Name them and write details.

7. What would you like to see in next version of Renoise or what do you think will improve Renoise? Write it in detail.

8. Do you use/need any software for creating music except Renoise? Name it if you do.

9. Do you use/need any hardware equipment for creating music except computer? Name it if you do.

10. What music styles will you compose with Renoise? If more than one style name them all!

11. Do you use sample CDs? If you do name type/style of sample CDs you own/use?

12. What samples are you missing or think that are very rare but important?

13. If you have any critics or suggestions about our web site please write it here.

14. How did you find out about us?
(eg. search engine (which), forum (URL), newsgroup (group name), web page (URL), advertisement (where), advice etc.)

Thank you for filling this form!

Note: you must click send/receive in e-mail application to send this mail